Internship job search

"Carve jade and find opportunities for talents". Wangrilian education is committed to empowering talents and matching the best jobs and development opportunities. We have established employment placement cooperation with many famous universities in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and other countries, and have strictly selected elite mentors in various industries to provide talent counseling, empowerment and career planning. We also provide one-stop international talent recruitment, training and empowerment programs for enterprises all over the world.

Service category

Help from famous teachers / introduction to the workplace

Famous teacher elite project industry tutor 1v1 career tutor 1v1

5-out-of-3 job-hunting tips

Comprehensive service / winning workplace

Internship counseling, job-hunting empowerment, job-hunting empowerment VIP

Elite tutor resources

Jun Li

He is now the executive director of CVS big data analysis engineering / artificial intelligence, the fifth largest enterprise in the United States.

Josh Weiner

He is currently a senior leader of Facebook and healthcare

Head of strategy.

Lawrence Pan

He is currently a senior leader of Facebook and healthcareHead of strategy.

Sophia Shi

He once served as director of the Department of foreign trade and economic cooperation of the New Jersey economic and Trade Development Bureau (located in Trenton, capital of New Jersey).

Stephen Gianotti

A system thinking consultant with 30 years of experience. In the past 30 years, he has worked with 325 large, medium and small companies, family holding companies and non-profit organizations around the world.

Perry Gao

Graduated from Harvard School of education, Perry is the founder and President of the American education bridge Institute.